Either contact us at: vpwoodfurnishings@gmail.com
Or place an order using the form on this page!
At VP Wood Furnishings, we love that personal connection between each of our customers! That's why we have you place your orders or ask any questions by messaging us. Being that everything is fully customizable, this allows us to understand exactly what you want, to discuss the exact dimensions and the look you need, and for us to update you along the process of creating your new VP Wood Furnishing's piece!
If you have any questions regarding a piece we have on the website or even ones we don't have, please don't hesitate to message us! We love having new ideas and unique projects to work on!
If you want to leave a review, simply write "review" in the subject box and write your review in the message section.
We also love hearing from our customers and seeing pictures of our products being used! If you want, they may even be featured on our website and social media! As always, have a great day and we hope to see you again!